Shawn ponders...
"The last semester in White Sands primary School has been fun because Miss Siti chose me as the vice chairperson. I did not like it after a few weeks. When Miss Siti went on long medical leave, Miss Sumaya came to teach us. She was very kind to us. She is our idol.
A new teacher, Mr Wong will be our form teacher for the rest of the year. He is very kind. He brought us to the computer lab and taught us how to use Cyberwriter. It was fun. After we finished our composition, we could surf the Internet."
A new teacher, Mr Wong will be our form teacher for the rest of the year. He is very kind. He brought us to the computer lab and taught us how to use Cyberwriter. It was fun. After we finished our composition, we could surf the Internet."
Hi Shawn,
I see that you like Cyberwriter. I will try to bring the class to the computer lab more often and we can do somemore interesting stuff there.
9:32 AM
6:05 PM
Hey Shawn,
were u jealous of me when u first saw me? happen to the 'SPY team'?
6:07 PM
safwana, wat spy team?
9:14 PM
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