Total Defence Day

Today, Singapore commemorates Total Defence Day. We are reminded of the five aspects of total defence, namely, social, economic, military, pyschological and civil. A school emergency exercise was also held to familiarize the students with the drill. It was a fairly smooth exercise. The civil defence siren was also sounded at 12.05pm today.
Hm...I think you are right jeevan.
2:10 PM
When the bell rang the whole class srceam as if there was a fire in our class.And I hope that does not happen.
4:46 PM
I hope there is another excerise because I think this one did not go quite well.
9:19 PM
hey joshua,you were screaming too.
2:21 PM
no u saw me srceam ah. Then where the PrOvE
8:04 PM
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